KJIVA is first american marathi emcee rapper who create new genre of hip hop in his own language marathi called as MARASTA HIPHOP in history of marathi music. This genre of hip hop is based on urban marathi music.Thus, at age of 16 he started producing beat & writing poetry in marathi. when he was 18 years old his friend get murder on street in front of him. He was totally shocked from this & getting in depression. After that he meet with a guy who is shag a drug dealer in town & both of them becomes best friend, now kjiva is hanging with guys who is killer, drug dealers, gangster. one day he gonna mad by hiring shag get murdered. From that he become addicted of drugs.he left his home, sleeping on bus stand, hanging with criminals. he found that marathi people still struggle in their home land they don't get respect what they deserve for? in Maharastra, in Mumbai. So Kjiva decide to left home land & write a verse for this people, for young marathi generation, for marathi guys who sell drugs, hemp in mumbai, for ugly society. Now he went to America & again survive on street of Albany, NY. 24/7 he is in studio producing music, writing lyrics in drugs.Thus most of lyrics based on his criminal background life style in mumbai, india & finally comes forward a MARASTA HIP HOP a breed of urban marathi music. Then he produced a track "GANJAH" that is first time in marathi music when gangsta rap get introduced in marathi & spread in whole america on major digital distribution by a young marathi man KJIVA.